The corporate world has the traits they demand be in those they choose to lead in the business setting. Many companies actually prefer to elevate people from within that have spent years learning of the leadership structure that has helped them succeed so they can intern keep their successes mounting.
The church is no different. If someone is going to lead in the church, there are certain traits or characteristics that need to be in place if they are able to lead effectively. In no way, shape or form am I implying the leadership skills necessary to lead effectively in the business world are not important. They most definitely are. But there are additional traits necessary in the church the business world will not always identify as key.
There is one thing you must fully understand first and foremost...
Our responsibility of leadership in the church is to help guide the flock God has entrusted to us before His throne, becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. If we are going to help lead them to that throne, we need to make sure we are headed in that direction ourselves.
Galatians 5:22-23 tells us the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.
These are what we refer to as the 'Fruits of the Spirit". If someone chooses to lead in the church, these traits must be evident in his/her life. If not, they should not be leading.
These traits are all manifested in people's lives in different manners, however, they will be obvious when they are. I also want to make it perfectly clear, these are in fact the fruits of the SPIRIT. These are not fruits of me, you or anyone else. They are not the works we do but rather the results of the work we allow the Spirit to do through us.
I want to encourage you that if you wish to lead in the church, whether it is as a teacher, preacher, elder, singer, missionary, ministry team leader or in any other area of service, you need to make sure you are allowing the Spirit of God to be working through you. It is the Spirit of God that will yield the fruits that help the church to accomplish the work He has placed at our feet.
We will spend the next year looking at how we can strengthen our root system in order to yield good fruit. Join us.