Nahum - Life Application

1.      We serve a jealous God.  God also acts on the jealousy with vengeance and rage and He takes revenge on all who oppose Him.  How does knowing that we serve such a jealous affect the way in which you approach your own personal relationship with Him?  Or does it?

2.      We know that God is a jealous God.  Sometimes we may be jealous.  Sometimes we also become envious of those with whom we are jealous.  God does not get envious.  What is the difference?

3.      God gets angry with those who rebel against Him.  What can be dangerous for us in our human anger?

4.      God’s anger is never wrong.  Our anger seems seldom right.  What’s the difference?

5.      When we do become angry, what can we do to transform our anger to be more like that of the Lord’s?

6.      We often look at those outside of the church, and especially those who seem to be extremely vocal against the church, as though they are on need of God’s judgment.

a.       How do you think God sees them?

b.      How do you think God wants US to see them?

c.       What problems do WE create when we look at each other as US vs. THEM?

7.      It has been said that people become like the god they worship.  If that statement is true…

a.       What god(s) would you say people in our culture worship?

b.      What G(g)od(s) would you say that people in our culture would say that you worship?

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