Micah - Summary

Title: Micah is named for the one who wrote it as is the case with the prophets.
Author: The author is Micah.  While many of the prophets are identified by who they are descended from such as we saw in the last book, Jonah son of Ammittai, Micah is actually identified by where he is from, Moresheth.
Date: The date of Micah is identified as during the reigns of Jotham (750-735BC), Ahaz (735-715BC) & Hezekiah (715-687BC) in Judah.  He is also a contemporary of the prophets Isaiah and Hosea.  That would put the writing of this book approximately 642-687BC.
Main Theme Micah warns of the injustice that is being done throughout Israel.  The people will be judged, punished yet forgiven and restored.  There is a promise of the Shepherd-King (Messiah) who will restore Israel.
Location: We know from the scripture that Micah was from a small town named Moresheth.  This town was just a few miles south of Jerusalem in Judah.
History The people of Israel under Jereboam II had developed a very wealthy upper class at the expense of the rest of the poplulation.  The injustice by the wealthy as they took advantage of the disadvantaged was great.  In their wealth the people also turned from God and were wosrshiping worthless idols.  God uses Micah to inform Israel of their pending doom at the hands of the Assyrians and then later the Babylonians who will defeat the Assyrians.
Major Characters: Micah

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