Isaiah - Summary

Title: This book is named for the prophet Isaiah who proclaimed this prophecy.
Author: Isaiah is identified in scripture as the son of Amoz.  Isaiah was a prophet of Judah.  We do not have scriptural proof, but Jewish tradition declares that Amoz was a brother of Amaziah, king of Judah.  If that is in fact true, then Isaiah was not only a prophet, he was a member of the royal family.
Date: Isaiah was a prophet during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Aha and Hezekiah as kings over Judah.  His time of service was from 740 to approximately 681 BC.  This covers a period of about 79 years.
Main Theme Isaiah resided in Judah.  He was attempting to get the people or Judah to turn from their sinful ways to avoid the punishment God had promised to happen upon them for turning to other gods.  Isaiah gives warnings to cities, countries and peoples attempting to have them see the error of their ways.  He prophesies about the coming doom upon Judah for their practice.  Isaiah also predicts the coming of a Messiah.  Isaiah actually speaks of two separate occasions the Messiah would be coming.  The people are expecting a mighty warrior who will defeat their enemy and establish the Kingdom of Israel and the throne of David for all time.  Isaiah also identifies many of the situations surrounding the coming of the Messiah.  These situations are fulfilled in the arrial of Jesus.  However the eternal throne of David is yet to take place.  These prophecies in Isaiah point to the events yet to happen in Revelation.   The most important message of Isaiah is that the Messiah brings with him a tale of Grace.  The best part of that Grace is that it is to be offered and extended beyond the people if Israel.
Location: The prophecies and the events of this book take place in Judah.  They also refer to times the people of Israel and Judah will be in foreign lands.
History Many of the events that take place in Isaiah are Isaiah's side of the stories told in 2 Kings.  Parrticularly is the conversations that take place between Isaiah, King Hezzekiah of Judah, and King Sennacherib  of Asyria
Major Characters: Isaiah
King Sennacherib

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