Isaiah - LIfe Application

1.      Why do you think the people of Judah were not too keen on heeding the warnings Isaiah was giving to them from God?

2.      What dilemma do we face today in presenting the Word of God to a people who need to hear it in the U.S.?

3.      How can we effectively communicate God’s message of JUDGEMENT so people will accept it and alter their life-styles accordingly?

4.      How can we effectively communicate God’s message of HOPE so people will accept it and alter their life-styles accordingly?

5.      In Isaiah 6, he comes face to face with God.  He acknowledges his sinful nature and unworthiness to serve.  Yet the seraphim comes to him with the coal and touches Isaiah’s lips with it.  Isaiah is purified for service to God.  When the question is asked of who will go forward to serve, Isaiah says “Here I am, send me”. 

A.      When have you had to confess your sin before God?

B.      How did this confession improve your ability to serve God’s Kingdom?

C.     What obstacles may still stand in your way of being able to effectively serve God’s Kingdom?

D.     Are you prepared to say “Here I am Lord, send me?”

i.                      What consequences might you face if you say yes?

ii.                   What consequences might you face if you say no?

6.      We see the power of God in how he aids Judah when they are attacked by the Assyrians and again when Hezekiah prays for his healing. 

A.      When have you attempted to get through storms life throw at you using your own strength?

B.     How well did that work for you?

C.     When have you allowed God to use His strength to aid you in getting through storms life was throwing at you?

D.     How well did that work for you?

E.      As you look at Hezekiah, what do you learn from his experience that can aid you in the here and now?

7.      Looking at Isaiah 49:8-13, How will God use His people to accomplish His mission?

8.      Why do you think the Jews originally failed to accomplish the task God had given to them in serving as light to the world?  What do we have in common with them?

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