Exodus Summary

Title: Exodus - means to depart
Author: Moses
Date: Approximately 1446 BC
Main Theme The deliverance of the Hebrews from bondage.
Location: Egypt / Sinai Dessert
History After Joseph's death, there were many different Pharoahs in Egypt during the 430 years of their time there.  Historical evidence also points to the fact that between 1700 BC and 1550 BC during this time Egypt had actually been conquored and occupied by a foreign people called the Hyksos.  Egypt conquored these invadors approximately 1550 BC and regained control of their own country.  Once there were leaders in Egypt who did not know about  Joseph, they enslaved the Hebrew people.  God hears the 'grumbling' of the Hebrew people and renews His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He uses Moses and Aaron as His tools to lead the Hebrew people from captivity in Egypt to Mt. Sinai.  At Mt. Sinai God gives the Ten Commandments, various laws on how to work within the community and instructions on the creation of the Tabernacle.
Major Characters: Moses

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