Esther - Summary

Title: The book of Esther is named for one of the main characters in the storyline.
Author: The author of the book of Esther is never identified.  Because of the timeing of the events, how it plays in the story of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah many scholars believe that Ezra may have been the author since he is credited for the authorship of those books.  Still others believe the author may have been either Nehemiah or even Mordecai.
Date: Since we do not know for sure who the author is, it would be difficult to pin point a time the book would have been written.  However, if one of the three suspected authors did in fact write it, and based upon the storyline and how it fits in the the line of the other Ezra book, the time of writing most likely is around 470 BC.
Main Theme The main theme of this book actually describes how God can take anyone and use them for His purpose.  In ths case and orphaned jewish girl amed Hadassah is put into a position where she has the means to save all of God's chosen people.  There is a plot to exterminate all of the Jews off the face of the earth by Haman.  Hadassah/Esther becomes queen and no one knows of her Hebrew heritage.  She is thrust into a position where she has to choose between serving God or facing possible death.  She chooses to serve God and becomes instrumental in helping her people to survive the threat made against them.
Location: The story of Esther takes place in the city of Susa, the governmental capital of Persia.  The defense of the Jews against those who would Hve them exterminated goes throughout the entire empire ruled by King Xerxes.
History This story takes place long after the end of the 70 years of captivity of the Hebrew people.  We know that King Cyrus was the king who sent Ezra back in the first place.  We know that King Darius was the king who confirmed the order of King Cyrus for Ezra.  There was actually King Cing Cambyses who served for five years between the two.  The 4th king of the empire was Xerxes who is king in the story of Esther.  Finally, king Artaxerses (Esther's step son) who supports the final building of the wall for Nehemiah served after Xerxes.  This tells us the story of Esther happened between the events of Ezra and Hehemiah.  Mordecai became ver powerful in Persia under Xerxes.  It is not known if the Mordecai mentioned in Nehemiah 7:7 is the sme MOrdecai of Esther.  We do know with certainty the events of Esther are documented and is historically accurate.
Major Characters: Esther
King Xerxes

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