Daniel - Study Questions

1.       Who was king in Judah when Babylon took them captive?

2.       How did Daniel refuse to defile himself?

3.       What was Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chapter two that Daniel had to interpret?

4.       How did Nebuchadnezzar reward Daniel?

5.       What is Daniel’s Chaldean name?

6.       Who are Daniel’s Friends? 

(Their Hebrew Names)                    (Their Chaldean names)

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7.       What did King Nebuchadnezzar have erected to his own honor?

8.       What was to happen to anyone who did not obey the king’s command regarding the item of #7?            

9.       What happened to Daniel’s three companions?

10.   Who is King Belshazzar?

11.   What was King Belshazzar’s big sin?

12.   What happened to King Belshazzar as a result of that sin?

13.    Who is Darius?

14.   What ended up happening to Daniel because of an action by Darius?

15.   What is the meaning of Daniel’s vision of a ram and goat?

16.   Who explained the vision to Daniel?

17.   Who is Cyrus?

18.   What happens with the “King or the North and the King of the South”?  What do you think this may refer to?

19.   Who is the arch-angel who stands guard over Israel?

20.   Daniel 12:9 “Go now, Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and ‘sealed’ until the time of the end.”  We read about ‘seals’ being opened at the end of time.  Where do we read about that?

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