Life Application - Exodus

1.       Pharaoh instructed the midwives to kill all infant males at birth.  They did not obey Pharaohs commands.  Scripture tells us to obey governments (Romans 13:1-7).  When, if ever, is it appropriate for us to go against the instructions of government?

2.        God spoke directly to Moses through the burning bush. 

A.       Do you believe God finds ways to speak to us/you today?  If so, how does He do so?

B.  Have you ever sensed God directing you to do something?  How did you respond?  How did it make you feel?

3.       God equipped Moses to do a specific task for him.  Yet Moses did not feel adequate to the task.  When have you felt inadequate to do a task God had asked you to do?  How did you respond?

4.       The Hebrew people were instructed to put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their homes to symbolize they were under the protection of the Lord.  How does this remind you of your own salvation?

5.       God is clearly in control.  The Hebrew people still had doubts, concerns and acted as if they didn’t believe God was in control.  How have we seen that God was leading us, yet we still acted with doubt and balked at His leading?

6.       Our culture teaches that people should be free to do what he/she wants.  God teaches that we are free to do what we ought.  What is the difference?  How do I/We as Christians live out our freedom?

7.       While en-route to Mt. Sinai, the Hebrew people were attacked by the Amalekites.  During the battle Joshua was fighting the battle, Moses was on the hillside, Aaron and Hur were with Moses. 

A.      When do you feel like Joshua and are in the battle.

B.       When you are fighting the battles, do you have a “Moses” praying for you?

C.       Who do you serve as a “Moses” for?

8.       The laws given to the Hebrew people are said to reflect the character of God.  With that in   mind, what does that mean to us who have received the law?

9.       We are told we are to be people of Grace when it comes to those who offend us.  What can we learn from the laws given by God about grace and consequences for one’s actions?

10.   God spoke to Moses in the Tent of meeting.  Where/how does God speak to us today?

11.   When leading the Hebrew people through the dessert, God resided in the Most Holy place of the Tabernacle.  Where does God reside today?

12.   We read that Bezalel and Oholiab were equipped and prepared for service to God.  As Christ followers, how are we equipped and prepped for service to God?

13.   In the creation of the Tabernacle and the garments to be worn by the Priests, God instructed the use of only the finest materials…Gold, Silver, precious stones, Acacia Wood, the finest linens threads and yarns.  Why do you think God commanded this?

14.   Aaron, his sons and the priests that followed them were instructed to “Minister to God”.  As Christians we are called to be a Priesthood of Believers.  How do WE minister to God?

15.   The Hebrew people showed a tremendous lack of faith and distrust in God by having Aaron create the Golden Calf.  In what ways do we create Golden Calves of our own that distract us from the relationship with God He has called us to?

16.   God says that those who are guilty will not go unpunished.  How do we reconcile that statement in today’s world of ‘Grace”?

17.   The Hebrew people saw the Glory of God in many ways.  In what way(s) have YOU seen the glory of God?

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