Life Application - Judges

1.       The Hebrews found it difficult to be obedient to God.  When have there been times in your life when you find it difficult to be obedient to God?  What are some of the influences in your life that have made it difficult to be obedient?

2.       We see in Judges 1 that Israel’s problem was that they obeyed their enemies rather than obeying God.   How do those who might be considered enemies of God, whom we have contact with, influence us to obey them rather than God?

3.       After looking at those God raised up to serve as judges, what can we glean from them as to what traits God was looking for in those he chose to lead?

4.       Based upon what we determine in (3) above, what does that tell us about those we need to choose as leaders?  What do we need to do in order for us to be prepared to be the kind of leaders God needs us to be?

5.       If God were to send an angel to visit our church, how would that angel report back to God as to our level of trust?

6.       In what area of your life do you want to trust God more?    What can you do to make that happen?

7.       How did God test Gideon’s faith?  How does God test our faith?

8.       How did God encourage Gideon’s faith?  How does God encourage our faith?

9.       How did God honor Gideon’s faith?  How does God honor our faith?

10.   How did Gideon go from being a strong leader of Israel’s army to become someone who led his people into idolatry?

11.   Pride can be a true stumbling block to Christian leaders.  What can we do to avoid being deceived by our own pride?

12.   Judges ends with the statement that “Everyone did as he saw fit”.  Basically anarchy in the church.  How do we see that statement alive in the churches of America today?  What can we do to get trusting, obedience to true biblical authority back into the church?

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