1. Elijah
displays great boldness when confronting the King’s captains and their 50
troops. In spite of great odds against
him, his boldness of faith kept him resolved to proclaim the truth.
A. When have you had the need to boldly proclaim
the truth of God in uncomfortable situations?
B. When
faced with this need, have you failed to do what you needed to do?
C. When
faced with this need and you have boldly faced it, what were the results?
D. How
can we make sure we are prepared to face these situations in the future and
meet them head on without backing down?
2. Elisha became just as powerful and bold a
prophet as his mentor Elijah. Who in
your life has mentored you in to helping you become a stronger man or woman in
your faith?
3. As
Elijah mentored Elisha, who are you deliberately mentoring to help them grow in
their faith?
4. Israel
was plagued with people who worshipped idols and Baal. King Jehu found a way to round up all the
prophets who worshipped Baal and had them executed. He then had his men go into the Temple of
Baal, pull out the worship articles and burned them. As a result, Jehu was rewarded by God.
A. What are idols or other items we have in our
lives that can distract us from focusing our attention on the one true God?
B. How can we remove those obstacles from our
lives permanently?
C. How
can we expect our relationship with God to change if we succeed in removing
those obstacles?
5. We
read in 2 Kings about two separate Kings who are faced with serious
problems. King Ahaziah fell through
lattice and sought council from Baal as to whether he would be healed or not. King Hezekiah of Judah was threatened by the
Assyrians. The Assyrians did their best
to put fear in the hearts of the King and the people of Judah. When faced with this dilemma King Hezekiah
sought council from God. The result??? Ahaziah died.
Hezekiah was saved?
A. When
faced with decisions and problems in our lives, why is it so important to make
sure we get our council from God and not from other sources?
B. When
have you sought council from the wrong sources?
What were the results?
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