Jeremiah - Life Application

1.      Jeremiah was reluctant to fulfilling God’s call to him to serve as a prophet. 

a.        What are obstacles that sometime stand in our way of saying “Here I am Lord, send me?

b.      How can we be better prepared to follow God’s call?

c.       What promise(s) do(es)  God give us that He will help us when we are serving Him?

2.      We can learn a lot about righteousness by understanding Israel/Judah’s lack of it. 

a.       What do we learn about how God feels when people who claim to be His followers, don’t?

b.      What do we learn about what we need to do when we realize we are ‘out-of-sync’ with God?

c.       What benefits do we receive when we are being obedient to God’s call?

3.      A persistent theme to the message Jeremiah was trying to get the people of Judah to understand was that their worship was false and worthless.

a.       Are there things about our personal worship that God could possibly raise question about as to whether we take our worship seriously or not? 

b.      Are we sometimes going through worship motions in order to check the box we have done it?

c.       Are there any attitudes in my own life I need to adjust in order to worship God in the manner in which He deserves.

4.      God uses the potter and a clay pot as a symbol to demonstration to the people of Judah what their relationship to God looks like.  If you were to pick a symbol that you think accurately symbolizes what your relationship to God looks like, what would it be?  Why?

5.      Jeremiah gave many warnings to the people of Judah as to what would happen if they didn’t change their approach to God.  Those warnings became reality.  Jeremiah told the people the consequences of their actions should they not heed the warnings.  Those consequences became realty.  The people could very well see that Jeremiah was 100% accurate in the messages he was giving them from God.  In spite of all of this, when Jeremiah warned them about what would if some of the remaining ‘remnant’ of the Hebrews attempted to go to Egypt, why do you think they continued to ignore Jeremiah and go anyway?  In what ways do we sometimes act similarly?

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