Daniel - Life Application

1.      We serve a sovereign God.  What does that mean in your life?

2.      Just as God used people outside of His chosen people to bring Israel back in to submission to His sovereignty, how might God use those outside of the church to bring those in the church back in to submission to His sovereignty?

3.      It was necessary for Daniel and his friends to find the right balance between what parts of the Babylonian culture they could go along with and what parts they needed to stand against.  How do you find that balance in your life in our culture and it’s expectations today?

4.      Daniel and his friends found prayer was able to sustain the while there were exiled in Babylon.  How has prayer sustained you in difficult times?

5.      Of all the Jews in Babylon, we only know of 3/4 who stood firm and refused to bow to worship the idol.  Why do you think the rest of the Jews were willing to bow down? 

6.      What are some ways Christians are asked to compromise in order to ‘fit in’ with the rest of our culture?  What are consequences we face if we do?  If we don’t?

7.      How easy would it be for you to make a decision based upon your faith that you knew could potentially lead to your eventual death?

8.      When Daniel prayed to God for Him to reveal the king’s dream to him, and after God did in fact reveal the dream, Daniel praised God for answering the prayer.  When you seek God’s intervention in an aspect of your life, do you thank Him and praise Him when that prayer is answered?

9.      Have you, or someone you know, ever had a time when your faith caused difficulties in the workplace?  What happened?  How did you handle it? 

10.  How did Daniel’s resolve to do what was right enable God to use him?

11.  We saw examples of where Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel were protected in spite of the attempts to have them exterminated.  When have you seen God at work and protect you in your own life?

12.  Daniel was able to remain focused and resolved no matter what was going on around him because he understood that God was in control.  What may distract us from gaining strength from this very truth and keep us from remaining resolved to be obedient?

13.  Why do you think Daniel remained humble in spite of the fact he became a national leader?   How can we make sure we remain humble in our service to God?

14.  What do we learn from Daniel on how to be resolved to lead an obedient life?

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