The word “Trinity” is never mentioned in
scripture. Using Genesis 1:26-27 as a
starting point how might you describe the concept of the trinity?
God rested on the 7th day. Why is it considered to be ‘Holy’?
Man has separated himself from God through
sin. Adam & Eve banished from the
Garden. Cain banished from God’s
presence to the land of Nod. What is the
significance of this separation?
God used water to rescue man from total
destruction. What do you think may be
the significance of water in saving mankind?
Abraham was a man who lied to Pharaoh of Egypt,
he lied to King Abimelech of Gerar, he took matters in to his own hands
regarding ‘helping God fulfill His promise’, yet was a man whose righteousness
was credited to him by faith.
A. Read
Genesis 15:6. What makes this verse so
B. Look at Genesis 22:1-5. What significance is there in the fact that
God tested Abraham in regards to Isaac and Abraham’s response to that test?
C. What
hope do you have from knowing Abraham’s failures yet his faithfulness?
Sarah was guilty of second guessing God. Her actions showed that maybe she didn’t
truly believe God’s promise.
A. Have you ever ‘second guessed’ God in your own
B. What can happen if we act out of ‘impatience’
and take God’s matters into our own hands?
When we consider that both Abraham and Isaac
gave the same lie to the same man, Abimelech,
what does that tell us about
‘human nature’?
We learn that Isaac, Rebekah, Esau and Jacob
have what today we would call a ‘dys-functional’ family.
What traits does this family seem to have mastered rather well? What are the consequences of these traits?
What assurance do WE receive from Jacob’s dream
of the ladder / stairway leading from earth to heaven? (see John 1:51)
Jacob wrestles with God on the night before he
met up with Esau after leaving Laban.
What happened as a result of that ‘wrestling match’? What assurance do WE receive from this event?
Judah has an affair with his
daughter-in-law. What is the result of
that affair? What encouragement do WE
receive as a result of this?
Joseph is approached by Potiphar’s wife on many
occasions because she wanted him to ‘lie with her”. What is Joseph’s reaction to her
advances? The one time they are alone
and she attempts to seduce him what does he do?
What do his action(s) teach us?
What does Jacob do when blessing Joseph’s sons
that seems to once again have history repeating itself? What effect does this have on the nation of
Israel 3 centuries later?
At the end of Jacob’s (Israel’s) life, Joseph’s
brothers were concerned that he would finally retaliate for them selling him in
to slavery to Egypt. What does Joseph
do? What lesson do we learn regarding
family relationships here?
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