Life Application - 1 Kings

1.       How did David’s failures as a father contribute to the succession problems between Solomon and Adonijah?  What can fathers today learn from this?

2.       Where do you see this kind of jockeying for position today?

3.       We see the actions of Solomon cut at the very heart of God.  What actions might Christians take today that could cut at the very heart of God?

4.       We see how God gave specific instructions to Moses as he built the Tabernacle and to Solomon as he built the Temple.  How important to you is the physical space in which you worship?     Why?

5.       In what way(s) is the church today God’s temple?

6.       What were the primary steps in Solomon’s path away from God?  What do we need to do to make sure we avoid these same mistakes?

7.       When have you ever been negatively influenced by the company you kept?

8.        Compromise is often gradual rather than sudden.  When have you seen that in your own life or the life of someone you love?

9.       When being disciplined by the Lord, how can Christians make a new beginning?

10.   Jeroboam set up his own religion.  How do we KNOW that Christianity is in fact the only true religion/faith?

11.   What is wrong with selectin elements from different belief systems such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc that seem like they will work for us in our lives?

12.   Elijah showed great strength as he stood on Mt. Carmel against the priests of Baal.  When have you had the opportunity to act similarly?  Did you stand?  Or did you cower to the challenge?

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