Life Appication - Job

1.      We all have known people who have suffered loss.  Job’s friends kept telling him that ultimately this suffering was his own fault.  Why do we as humans feel that someone has to be blamed for our suffering?

2.      What encouragement might you give to provide comfort to people who like Job, have experience such severe problems they may wish they had not been born?

3.      Think of a time you have suffered loss.  What kept you from being completely overwhelmed by it?

4.      When you came out of that time of struggle, in what ways might you have been a stronger and better person for it?

5.      What experiences in your life have taught you about God’s justice?

6.      We often look as if our suffering is bring us down for no reason.  How does our suffering look different to God?

7.      When we see people who are suffering and they ask for prayers, what often times are they actually asking for?     What is it that God wants us to pray for?

8.      What are ways you / we can worship God even as we are suffering?

9.      How would you respond to the statement “when we are suffering we don’t need to know more about God, we need to know more of God’?

10.  What is the role of repentance in accepting ‘god’s will and trusting Him through suffering?  When have you needed to repent to accept God’s will in your own life’s suffering?

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