Life Application - Leviticus

1.        The entire book of Leviticus calls us to be Holy.  We are to be Holy in our relationship with God.  We are to be Holy in our relationship with others.  What does “Holiness” mean to you?

2.       Often when we try to lead the Holy lives God has called us to, sometimes those who don’t understand refer to us as being ‘Holier than thou’.  How would you respond to that claim?

3.       Reviewing the requirements God placed on those items brought to the sacrificial alter, what would you glean as being critical for something to be considered a ‘sacrifice’?

4.       There were six offerings the Hebrews could bring to the altar of the tabernacle.  What needs in the individual were being met from these ‘sacrifices’?

5.       God set Aaron and his sons aside for service to Him.  God has called each and every one of us to service to Him.  How has God called YOU to serve Him?  How do you accomplish that service?

6.       The Hebrew people brought an offering to the tabernacle on the ‘Day of Atonement’, that their sins may be forgiven.  How are our sins atoned for us today?

7.       God has specific criteria for those who are going to minister to Him as priests to the Hebrews.  I Timothy and Titus give us criteria for those who are lead God’s church.  Why does God instruct leaders to have these specific characteristics in order to serve?

8.       God has given the Hebrews specific feasts they are to celebrate throughout the year.  Why do you think He has established these feasts?  What role do you think God should play in ordering YOUR life?

9.       The Ten Commandments give us laws that help to provide us with the best possible relationship with God and with others.  The instructions in Leviticus also give us instructions first in strengthening our relationship with God and then with others.  Matthew 22:35-40 tells us greatest commandment is to love God.  The second greatest is to love others.  How do you live a life of Holiness that fulfills these two commands?

10.   Why does our love for God affect our love for others?

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