Amos - Life Application

1.      What are injustices you see in our society today?  How do you respond to them?

2.      The enemies of Israel failed to show pity on them.  In fact many of Israel’s neighbors added to the agony felt by God’s people.  How do we react in our society to those who are agonizing over severe problems in their lives?  How does God want us to respond?  Why do we in our society take on the attitude we do in so many areas?

3.      You can imagine the people of Israel were pleased to hear of the coming judgment upon those who had been against them.  When have you heard of things happening to those who are against you and how did you react/respond to that news?

4.      What temptations to injustice, idolatry or immorality do you face in your life?  What can you do to overcome these?

5.      How can we ensure that we have our hearts in tune to listening to God and not allowing our hearts to be hardened?

6.      In Amos 3:10, God says that the people do not know how to do right.  How is it possible that people might not know how to do right?

7.      What can we do as a flock of God wo demonstrate more care for the oppressed?  Those struggling in their family relationships?  The hungry?  Strangers?

8.      When things are going well, it is easy to become ‘addicted’ to affluence.  How are we influenced if this addiction?  What can we do to overcome it?

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